New development in historic settings


Policy & legislation on this topic is generally either focussed on protecting the historic context or asset, or the quality of new design.

Historic Environment Policy for Scotland (HEPS)

We collectively have a duty of care for our historic environment. The Historic Environment Policy for Scotland (HEPS) outlines how we should undertake this duty whenever a decision will affect the historic environment. It sets out a policy statement for decision making for the whole of the historic environment, and is used at national and local levels, from funding decisions to applications to wind farms.

Scottish Planning Policy (SPP)
SPP sets out national planning policies which reflect Scottish Ministers’ priorities for operation of the planning system and for the development and use of land.  The SPP promotes consistency in the application of policy across Scotland whilst allowing sufficient flexibility to reflect local circumstances. It directly relates to enabling positive change in the historic environment.

Creating Places – A policy statement on architecture and place for Scotland
Scotland’s policy statement on architecture and place sets out the comprehensive value good design can deliver. Successful places can unlock opportunities, build vibrant communities and contribute to a flourishing economy. The document contains an action plan that sets out the work that will be taken forward to achieve positive change.


New Design in Historic Settings (Historic Scotland and Architecture + Design Scotland, 2010)
This publication aims is to explore how good design in historic settings is achieved. The advice is aimed at designers, developers, local authorities, community groups and other important stakeholders such as amenity bodies.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment (Historic Environment Scotland)

Each Managing Change guidance note looks at a different theme in terms of:

  • the key issues that might arise
  • how best to deal with such issues
  • the reasons behind our advice

They provide guidance on managing change for a range of historic assets or places, including scheduled monuments, listed buildings, inventory parks/ gardens/designed landscapes, World Heritage Sites, conservation areas and designated wrecks.

Case Studies

Our views

These letters are examples of letters SCT has written in response to Listed Building Consents, Conservation Area Consents and Planning Permission applications.

Use them to help you frame your own comments on a planning application, and to better understand how historic environment policy and guidance can be used to support your comments. 

The Royal High School, Edinburgh (September 2015)

The A-listed Royal High School is a fine example of the work of architect Thomas Hamilton and enhances the surrounding UNESCO World Heritage Site of Calton Hill. The development of this site was debated over a number of years and in September 2018 a public enquiry was held to determine the future of the building.

A new heritage centre for the Battle of Bannockburn site (July 2011)
A proposal for a new heritage centre was considered to be a bold and contemporary design concept which is fitting for the site, helping to create a sense of character and atmosphere in a location which has lost much of its setting.

Marischal Square development, Aberdeen (June 2014)
While we felt that this significant mixed-use application makes some general moves in the right direction in terms of layout, the Trust considered that these proposals are not yet befitting of the very high quality built environment surrounding the site. We encouraged the Council to refuse this application, and to work towards a more fully resolved solution with improvements in elevational treatment and massing, to better reflect the character of the surrounding area, and to ensure that the setting of several nationally important listed buildings is not negatively impacted by this development.

Useful Links

Architecture + Design Scotland
Architecture and Design Scotland (A+DS) is Scotland’s champion for excellence in placemaking, architecture and planning. We are an Executive NDPB of the Scottish Government. A+DS aims to support the creation of places that work, which provide people with real choices and, are ultimately, places where people want to be.