Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller History Month

June is Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller History Month, celebrated in the UK since 2008. Nawken people, often referred to as Scottish Gypsy/Travellers and historically as ‘tinkers’ or ‘cairds’ – have a long established history in Scotland. Official documentation places the community in Scotland at least as far back as the 12th century; with oral accounts indicating the community may be of pre-celtic origin.

Earlier this year our Diverse Heritage Project supported the advocacy group Conyach to premiere their film  ‘Mangin Cant: A story of Language and Place.’ The film explores the idea of ‘The Cant’ as an indigenous language of Scotland. It tells the story of the spaces and places where Nawken is spoken, with a focus on the interconnectedness of language, place, identity creation and intangible cultural heritage. 

Sign the petition to officially recognise Nawken and their language as Indigenous.

Living Heritage

Did you know that the popular Doors Open Days festival in September is part of the much wider European Heritage Days celebration that takes place across 50 different countries every year? In 2023 the European Heritage Days theme is Living Heritage, or the practices, knowledge and skills that have been passed from one generation to the next and are still in use today – like dance, language, craftwork, stories, and other traditions. Learn more about living heritage here, including ideas for activities and events.