Does your building need a little help in getting ready for Doors Open Days? This year we are inviting applications for the Doors Open Days Enabling Grant. This will enable small scale works that will create access to a building during Doors Open Days. It could cover, for example:
• Clearing overgrown shrubbery to make paths accessible
• Putting tarpaulins over buildings to make them dry for visitors
• Temporary lighting/heating/portaloos
• Temporary ramps
Information we will need:
• Name of applicant group
• Location of building
• Type of work required
• Estimate of cost, based on quotes received
• Plans for Door Open Day – what is the enhanced offer that visitors will experience as a result of funding?
• Up to five images of the building that we can use in publicity
A maximum of £2,000 per organisation, but we expect most grants to be around £500.
Please send your application to with the subject line ‘DOD Enabling Grant’ by 5pm 12th April 2019.